Modern Marketing Strategies

Modern Marketing Strategies to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Targeted Group:

This program targets managers at different managerial levels, especially at the top management level, such as:
1. Advanced members of the top management and /or their deputies.
2. Marketing managers and/or their deputies or related staff.
3. Branch managers and/or mini-branch managers.
4. New products development managers.
5. Sales managers and credit relationship managers.
6. Customer relationship managers – CRM (if this position is relevant).
7. Managers or staff who are involved in marketing strategy formulation and implementation. 

Program Objectives: 

The major aim of this program is to increase the managers’ knowledge and skills in the field of marketing strategy formulation and implementation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The objectives are:

1. To increase managers’ knowledge in marketing and their understanding of the implications of modern markets on marketing strategy.
2. To understand the philosophy and strategies of market segmentation and how they relate strategically to marketing strategy.
3. To increase managers’ knowledge in modern approaches to the development and implementation of marketing strategy to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
4. To increase managers’ knowledge in conducting SWOT analysis methodology and their understanding of the interrelated phases in formulating marketing strategies.
5. To provide a new approach to marketing strategy implementation.
6. To facilitate understanding of performance assessment as a means of achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage.
7. To improve manager’s abilities to develop and implement modern marketing strategies and achieve competitive advantage. 

 Outline : 

- Marketing: an overview 
- Characteristics of modern organizations 
- Implications of modern organizations on marketing strategies 
- Market segmentation: philosophy and strategies
- Marketing strategy formulation and implementation: an integrated approach 
- Marketing strategy formulation steps: SWOT analysis
- Marketing strategy formulation steps: SWOT analysis (continued)
- Marketing strategy implementation: a new approach 
- Performance measurement and assessment: a strategic perspective 
- Marketing control and follow-up 
- Sustainable competitive advantage 

Duration :

20 Hours / 5 days a Week

For more details don’t hesitate to contact the training officer:

on telephone number 17383001
or e-mail at: gizrmrmt.yzsizrm@gztrgizrmrmt.xln


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